[EURCS 302 / EURIT 302]
(Effective from the admitted batch 2008–09)
Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 60
Instructions: Each Unit carries 12 marks.
Answer all units choosing one question from each unit.
All parts of the unit must be answered in one place only.
Figures in the right hand margin indicate marks allotted.
1. a) What are the different types of resources? Explain the
importance of water resources. 5
b) Distinguish renewable natural resources from non-renewable
natural resources. 4
c) What are the different series we get from the forest resources? 3
2. a) What do you mean by water budget? Explain the differences
between ground water and streams. 5
b) What are the different sources of energy? Explain the
working of biogas energy. 4
c) Explain the effect of timber extraction on forests. 3
3. a) What is ecosystem? Explain it in detail. 5
b) Explain the functions of aquatic ecosystems. 4
c) What is the law of minimum? 3
4. a) How do the different environmental parameters affect the
biota? 5
b) Give a brief account on value of biodiversity. 4
c) Explain the source of energy and how does it relate with
the sink. 3
5. a) What are the sources of radio nuclides in soils? Discuss the
pattern of uptake of nuclides by plants from the soil. 5
b) What are the different methods followed for controlling air
pollution at the source? 4
c) Define BOD and COD. What are the applications of their
determinations? 3
6. a) What is entrophications? How does it form? How is it related
to water pollution? 5
b) Give a brief account on nuclear hazards. 4
c) How are earthquakes and cyclones formed? 3
7. a) Differentiate among environment and culture of a village and
an urban area. 5
b) What is meant by water shed management? 3
c) Give a brief account on nuclear accidents. 4
8. a) What is global warming? How is it caused? What are the
effects of global warming? 5
b) Why ozone depletion takes place only over Antarctica? How
do you prevent it? 4
c) What is meant by wasteland reclamation? 3
9. a) Explain different environmental protection acts. How are they
helpful. 5
b) How is environment affects the human health? What are
human rights? 4
c) Explain the terms HIV and AIDS. 3
10. a) How is a local body protects their water, soil and air from
the pollution? 4
b) Give a brief account on Wildlife Protection Act. 4
c) What is Environmental Impact Assessment? What are the
methods of assessment. 4
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